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an architectural positioning

within the church entrance

jesus dividing entries

on the left door a portal to heaven

on the right door, a portal to hell


kolkata science museum

also portal, 
my childhood memory...

an entrance into a science museum



the opposite of jesus 


climate anxieties
a present current transition zone

an entrance into a constrant heat and 

natural oddities, 

did it start when the sky 

turned orange  


transcendental women,

hilma af klint, emma kunz, mandala makers, 
georgia o'keefe

portals, a history of women

trying to transcend 

abstraction and spirituality



where do we go from here

is it mutation after mutation? 
portal after portal? 


what luggage do you carry? 

is it light?

is it heavy?

is it conscious? 

how are you getting across this portal? 

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